'; } ?>

The following members also have "' . htmlentities(stripslashes($strKeyword) ,ENT_QUOTES) . '" in their '.$strDisplaySection . ' modification.'; echo '

0) $nPageNo--; if (strlen($strOrder) == 0) $strOrderEx = "asc"; else $strOrderEx = $strOrder; if (strcasecmp($strOrder,"asc") != 0 && strcasecmp($strOrder,"desc") != 0) $strOrderEx = "asc"; if (strlen($strSortBy) == 0) $strSortByEx = "username"; else { if (strcasecmp($strSortBy,"location") == 0) $strSortByEx = "location"; else if (strcasecmp($strSortBy,"year") == 0) $strSortByEx = "caryear"; else if (strcasecmp($strSortBy,"owner") == 0) $strSortByEx = "username"; else if (strcasecmp($strSortBy,"colour") == 0) $strSortByEx = "colour"; else if (strcasecmp($strSortBy,"picture") == 0) $strSortByEx = "hasPhoto"; else if (strcasecmp($strSortBy,"lastupdated") == 0) $strSortByEx = "lastmod"; else if (strcasecmp($strSortBy,"model") == 0) $strSortByEx = "model"; else $strSortByEx = "username"; if (strcasecmp($strSortByEx,"username") != 0)// && strcasecmp($strSortByEx,"caryear") != 0) $strSortByEx .= " " . $strOrderEx . ",username asc"; else $strSortByEx .= " " . $strOrderEx; } $conn = new CDbConnection; if ($conn->Connect("itr","itr2","mysql1234","localhost")) { //echo $strSql; if ($bFullText == 1) { if ($strLikeStatement > 0 || strpos($strKeyword,"-") != false) // full text indexes with reversed words { $strSql = "select c.caryear,c.colour,p.username,c.location,c.user_id,c.hasPhoto,c.lastmod,c.model from phpbb_cars c,phpbb3_users p where p.user_id=c.user_id and c.".$strSection." like '%" . $strKeyword . "%' and c.user_id<>" . $uuid . " order by " . $strSortByEx . " limit " . $nPageNo * $nLimitRecord . ",$nLimitRecord"; } else { $strSql = "select c.caryear,c.colour,p.username,c.location,c.user_id,c.hasPhoto,c.lastmod,c.model from phpbb_cars c,phpbb3_users p where p.user_id=c.user_id and match(" . $strSection . ") against('" . $strKeyword . "') and p.user_id<>" . $uuid . " order by " . $strSortByEx . " limit " . $nPageNo * $nLimitRecord . ",$nLimitRecord"; } // echo $strSql; } else { if ($conn->Query("select count(*) as reccount from phpbb_cars")) { if($conn->Fetch()) $nRecCount = $conn->row[0]; } $strSql = "select c.caryear,c.colour,p.username,c.location,c.user_id,c.hasPhoto,c.lastmod,c.model from phpbb_cars c, phpbb3_users p where p.user_id = c.user_id order by $strSortByEx limit " . $nPageNo * $nLimitRecord . ",$nLimitRecord"; } // echo $strSql; if ($conn->Query($strSql)) { $strToday = date('Y-m-d'); $nBaseIndex = ($nPageNo * $nLimitRecord); // for ($nX = 0; $nX < $nBaseIndex; $nX++) // $conn->Fetch(); while($conn->Fetch()) { if ($bFullText == 1) $nRecCount++; // user id $strDate = trim(reverse_strrchr($conn->row[6]," ")); $uid= $conn->row[4]; $hasPhoto = $conn->row[5]; // Location if ($nCount % 2 == 0) echo ""; else echo ""; // Colour $strColour = strtolower($conn->row[1]); if (strlen($strColour) == 0) $strColour = "white"; echo ""; // Year echo ""; // Model $strModel = $conn->row[7]; echo ""; // user $curuser = strip_tags($conn->row[2]); echo ""; // has photo echo ""; if (strcasecmp($strToday,$strDate) == 0) { $bBold = ""; $bEndBold = ""; } else { $bBold = ""; $bEndBold = ""; } // last updated echo ""; $nCount++; if ($nCount % $nLimitRecord == 0) { if ($bFullText == 1) { while($conn->Fetch()) $nRecCount++; } break; } } } } if ($nCount == 0) { echo ""; } ?>
Location Colour Year Model Owner Photo Last Updated
row[3]) . "'>
row[3]) . "' src='/images/flags/".strip_tags(strtolower($conn->row[3])).".gif'>$strColour".strip_tags($conn->row[0]).""; if(strcasecmp($strModel,'R')==0) echo "R"; echo "$curuser"; if ($hasPhoto > 0) echo ""; echo "" . $bBold . $strDate . $bEndBold . "
No record found

Page " . ($nX + 1) . ""; } else echo $nX + 1; echo " "; } ?>